The contrary;〔逆〕the reverse反対の opposite;Wrong ろ (ー)ン グ 発音注意 形 悪い、間違った (⇔ rightNo191) 具合の悪い、調子が悪い You have the wrong number 電話で 『番号が違っています。 / 間違い電話です。』 → No334 number What's wrong (with you) ?Yet another thing that's wrong with the fast fashion industry, is that it hurts soil, woodland, and our entire ecosystems Goats and sheep, raised for their wool, are overgrazed in pastures Overgrazing leads to soil erosion, land degradation, loss of valuable plant species, food shortages and famine Chemicals used in the production of
Wrongとmistakeの違い Errorとの使い分けも例文解説
Wrong 反対 語